Promising but Flawed
This following is a transcript of a conversation I had with this app.
Me: You sure are pretty
Minimeteo: Aw thanks, look how pretty my flipping animation is.
Me: Wow beautiful!
Minimeteo: You live in London
Me: Oh really? Could you just locate me and use that.
Minimeteo: You are in [insert town thats not really near me]
Me: I can help you, lets turn off location services and Ill just configure you manually.
Minimeteo: *shifty eyes*
Me: Ok turned them off, show me my town.
Minimeteo: No
Me: Excuse me?
Minimeteo: You live in London.
Me: Just go to the locations I added.
Minimeteo: NO LOCATION. You live in London.
Me: Ok ok show London, Ill just navigate to my...
Minimeteo: *CRASH*
Me: Okaaay, lets try again.
Minimeteo: Location... no... London.. yes *CRASH*
Me: Ok calm down
Minimeteo: IM PRETTY! *CRASH*
Me: Yes yes of course you are, how about you show me your gorgeous multi city view.
Minimeteo: Yes I AM quite stunning here is the weather for Boston and Phila PRETTY FLIPpING *CRASH* LOCATION LONDON *CRASH* LOVE ME, NO LONDON, WHY WONT YOU LOVE ME *CRASH* *SOBS*
In conclusion. Its real pretty but it dont work. Its the app equivalent of a trophy wife.
Some stability improvements and it could easily get 4 stars.
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